04 october 2018

Skidan Matthew needs your help again! Join us!

Matthew needs two courses of high-dose chemistry, which costs $ 30,000 and a bone marrow transplant, TCM. Join us!

850 000 ₴ Collected: 10 000 ₴

Project objectives

We all remember Skidan Matviyko. He was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia.
Many of you know that in 2017 the boy underwent a bone marrow transplant (BMT). And he successfully underwent treatment and the disease receded.
But … unfortunately … In May 2018, Matviychik contracted herpes, after which the level of platelets began to decline. In July, they were examined in a Turkish clinic (where Matviy was transplanted with TCM) and everything was fine. Agreed that this is a failure and soon everything will be fine. But as the indicators continued to fall, a second puncture was performed in August … RECURRENCE, the disease returned, blasts 13.4%
To date, blasts account for 30%. Matthew needs two courses of high-dose chemistry, which costs $ 30,000 and a bone marrow transplant, TCM.
The amount for the boy’s treatment is not affordable for the family.
Therefore, we ask you not to be indifferent to other people’s grief and to join the joint fundraising, because in this case every minute is valuable.
Join us!

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